



Johansson B. Screening Method for Assessment of Work Ability for Patients Suffering From Mental Fatigue. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 2022, 16:869377. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2022.869377

Rönnbäck, L and Johansson B. Long-Lasting Pathological Mental Fatigue After Brain Injury–A Dysfunction in Glutamate Neurotransmission? Front. Behav. Neurosci. 2022, 15:791984. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.791984

Johansson B. Distractibility When Suffering from Mental Fatigue after a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Phys Med Rehabil Int. 2021; 8(3): 1184

Johansson B. Mental Fatigue after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Relation to Cognitive Tests and Brain Imaging Methods. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 5955.

Skau, S, Jonsdottir, IH, Dahlman, AS, Johansson, B and Kuhn, HG (2020) Exhaustion disorder and altered brain activity in frontal cortex detected with fNIRS, Stress, DOI: 10.1080/10253890.2020.1777972 

Nilsson, MKL, Johansson, B, Carlsson, ML, Schuit RC and Rönnbäck L (2020) Effect of the monoaminergic stabiliser (−)-OSU6162 on mental fatigue following stroke or traumatic brain injury. Acta Neuropsychiatrica 1–10. doi: 10.1017/ neu.2020.22

Irestorm, E, Tonning, I, Johansson, B and Øra, I (2020) Cognitive fatigue in relation to depressive symptoms after treatment for childhood cancer. BMC Psychology, 10;8(1):31. doi: 10.1186/s40359-020-00398-1

Johansson, B, Andréll, P, Rönnbäck, L and Mannheimer, C (2020) Follow-up after 5.5 years of treatment with methylphenidate for mental fatigue and cognitive function after a mild traumatic brain injury, Brain Injury, 34(2):229-235

Bergqvist, L, Öhrvall, A-M, Rönnbäck, L, Johansson, B, Himmelmann, K and Peny-Dahlstrand, M (2020) Evidence of Construct Validity for the Modified Mental Fatigue Scale When Used in Persons with Cerebral Palsy Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 23(4):240-252 

Skau, S, Bunketorp-Käll, L, Kuhn, H G and Johansson, B (2019) Mental Fatigue and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) – Based Assessment of Cognitive Performance After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Fronierst Human Neuroscience, 13(145)

Jonasson, A, Levin, C, Renfors, M, Strandberg, S and Johansson B (2018) Mental fatigue and impaired cognitive function after an acquired brain injury. Brain Behav, e01056.

Johansson, B and Bjuhr, H (2018) Train 4 Good – an eight-month mindfulness program live on Internet for long-term mental fatigue and emotional distress after an acquired brain injury. Archives of Psychology, 2(5):1-17 

Johansson, B, Wentzel, A-P, Andréll, P, Rönnbäck, L and Mannheimer, C (2018) Two-Year Methylphenidate Treatment of Mental Fatigue and Cognitive Function After a Traumatic Brain Injury: A Clinical Prospective Study. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 38:164–165

Johansson, B and Rönnbäck, L (2017) Assessment and treatment of mental fatigue after a traumatic brain injury. Journal Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 27(7):1047-1055

Palm, S, Rönnbäck, L and Johansson, B (2017) Long-term mental fatigue after traumatic brain injury and impact on employment status. Rehabil Med, 49:228-233 

Johansson, B, Wentzel, A-P, Andréll, P, Rönnbäck, L and Mannheimer, C (2017) Long-term treatment with methylphenidate for fatigue after traumatic brain injury. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 135(1):100-107

Johansson, B and Bjuhr, H (2016) Teaching Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Live Online to Individuals Suffering from Mental Fatigue-A Qualitative Evaluation. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 4(3); doi:10.11114/ijsss.v4i3.1389

Johansson, B and Rönnbäck, L (2015) Novel computer tests for identification of mental fatigue after traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation, 36(2):195-202 

Papakokkinou, E, Johansson, B, Berglund, P, Ragnarsson, O (2015) Mental Fatigue and Executive Dysfunction in Patients with Cushing’s Syndrome in Remission. Behavioural Neurology, 6 pages, 

Johansson, B, Bjuhr, H, Karlsson, M, Karlsson, J-O, Rönnbäck, L (2015) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Delivered Live on the Internet to Individuals Suffering from Mental Fatigue After an Acquired Brain Injury. Mindfulness, 6:1356-1365 

Johansson, B, Wentzel, A-P, Andréll, P, Rönnbäck, L and Mannheimer, C (2015) Methylphenidate reduces mental fatigue and improves processing speed in persons suffered a traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 29(6):758-765 

Johansson, B, Bjuhr, H, and Rönnbäck, L (2015) Evaluation of an Advanced Mindfulness Program Following a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program for Participant Suffering from Mental Fatigue After Acquired Brain Injury. Mindfulness, 6(2):227-233

Johansson, B and Rönnbäck, L (2014) Evaluation of the Mental Fatigue Scale and its relation to Cognitive and Emotional Functioning after Traumatic Brain Injury or Stroke. Int J Phys Med Rehabil, 2:182. doi: 10.4172/2329-9096.1000182

Johansson, B, Wentzel, A-P, Andréll, P, Odenstedt, J, Mannheimer, C and Rönnbäck, L (2014) Evaluation of dosage, safety and effects of methylphenidate on posttraumatic brain injury symptoms with focus on mental fatigue and pain Brain Injury, 28(3):304-310

Johansson, B, Carlsson, A, Carlsson, M L, Karlsson, M, Nilsson, M K L, Nordquist-Brandt, E and Rönnbäck, L (2012) Placebo-controlled cross-over study of the monoaminergic stabiliser (−)-OSU6162 in mental fatigue following stroke or traumatic brain injury. Acta Neuropsychiatrica,, 24(5):266-274

Johansson, B, Bjuhr, H, and Rönnbäck, L (2012) Mindfullness based stress reduction improves long-term mental fatigue after stroke or traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 26(13-14):1621-1628

Johansson, B, Starmark, A, Berglund, P, Rödholm, M, and Rönnbäck, L (2010) A self-assessment questionnaire for mental fatigue and related symptoms after neurological disorders and injuries. Brain Injury, 24(1):2-12

Johansson, B, Berglund, P and Rönnbäck, L (2009). Mental fatigue and impaired information processing after mild and moderate traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 23:1027-1040

Jacobsson, J, Persson, M, Hansson, E and Rönnbäck, L (2006) Corticosterone inhibits expression of the microglial glutamate transporter GLT-1 in vitro. Neuroscience, 139:475-483

Persson, M, Sandberg, M, Hansson, E and Rönnbäck, L (2006) Microglial glutamate uptake is coupled to glutathione synthesis and glutamate release. Europ J Neurosci, 24:1063-1070

Persson, M, Brantefjord, M, Hansson, E and Rönnbäck, L (2005) Lipopolysaccharide increases microglial GLT-1 expression and glutamate uptake capacity in vitro by a mechanism dependent on TNF-a. GLIA 51:111-120

Hansson, E and and Rönnbäck, L (2004) Altered neuronal-glial signaling in glutamatergic transmission as a unifying mechanism in chronic pain and mental fatigue. Neurochem Res, 29:989-996

Rönnbäck, L and Hansson, E (2004) On the potential role of glutamate transport in mental fatigue. J Neuroinflam, 1:22

Hansson, E, Muyderman, H, Leonova, J, Allansson, L, Sinclair, J, Blomstrand, F,Thorlin, T, Nilsson, M and Rönnbäck, L (2000) Astrocytic receptors and second messenger systems. Adv Astroglia and glutamate in physiology and pathology. Aspects on glutamate transport, glutamate-induced cell swelling and gap-junction communication. Neurochem Int 37:317-329


Hansson, E and Rönnbäck, L (1995) Astrocytes in glutamate neurotransmission. Receptor-mediated regulation of uptake carriers, ion channels and cell volume. FASEB J, 9:343-350 

Hansson, E and Rönnbäck, L (2003) Glial neuronal signaling in the central nervous system. FASEB J, 17:341-348 

Hertz, L, Hansson, E and Rönnbäck, L (2001) Signaling and gene expression in the neuron-glia unit during brain function and dysfunction. Neurochem Int, 39:227-252


Birgitta Johansson och Lars Rönnbäck (2019) Den ofattbara hjärntröttheten, Lund Studentlitteratur AB 

Johansson, B och Rönnbäck, L (2014)  När hjärnan inte orkar – om hjärntrötthet. Sandared: Recito Förlag

Rönnbäck, L and Johansson, B (2012) Long-lasting mental fatigue after traumatic brain injury or stroke. A new perspective. LAMBERT Academic Press, Saarbrücken

Hansson, E, Olsson, T and Rönnbäck, L (1997) On astrocytes and glutamate neurotransmission – New waves in brain information processing. Neuroscience Intelligence Unit, Springer, R.G. Landes Company

Book Chapters

Johansson, B  and Rönnbäck, L (2014) Long-Lasting Mental Fatigue After Traumatic Brain Injury – A Major Problem Most Often Neglected Diagnostic Criteria, Assessment, Relation to Emotional and Cognitive Problems, Cellular Background, and Aspects on Treatment, In F. Sadaka (Ed) Traumatic Brain Injury, InTech, ISBN 978-953-51-1222-8, Chapter 21, DOI: 10.5772/57311

Johansson, B. and Rönnbäck, L (2012) Mental fatigue; a common long term consequence after a brain injury, In A. Agrawal (Ed.), Brain Injury – Functional Aspects, Rehabilitation and Prevention (pp. 3-16). Rijeka, Croatia: InTech

Rönnbäck, L and Johansson, B (2012) Long-Lasting Mental Fatigue After Recovery from Meningitis or Encephalitis – A Disabling Disorder Hypothetically Related to Dysfunction in the Supporting Systems of the Brain. In V. Olisah (Ed.), Essential Notes in Psychiatry (pp. 551-564): InTech 

Johansson, B (2012). Dolda funktionshinder. In A.-C. Jönsson (Ed.), Stroke – Patienters, närståendes och vårdares perspektiv (pp. 243-257). Lund: Studentlitteratur